99ers Rally to Support Employed Workers - Will Unions Support Tier 5?

99ers Rally to support Employed Workers yesterday in every state but - will the Unions adamantly support Tier 5? One can only hope. One sad commentary on the 99ers' plight is how the AFL-CIO union (and their political off shoot organizations), also with NELP have left the 99er community out to dry so to speak the entire year of 2010 - when we needed them most.

Yesterday the 99er Nation stepped up all across the USA yesterday in support of the Wisconsin Unions and against Gov. Walker's Union Busting shenanigans. One can only hope that these unions will finally openly fight for the 99er cause henceforth.

As Kelly Wiedemer (Denver Unemployment Examiner) said in her article last Friday: The Job Party - bringing 99ers & American workers together

“While politicians are once again ignoring the need to create jobs and are instead in their home districts, patting themselves on the back, fighting over huge spending cuts, groups are being formed and coming together to support American workers. The Job Party is an organization looking to unite the unemployed in a very public push to create jobs. They held their kickoff rally on February 19, followed by a second rally on Tuesday outside of FOX News headquarters in NYC.

Who is the Job Party? http://jobparty.us/ They are a growing coalition of support for middle class workers, pushing for domestic job creation and to stop the Corporate takeover of America. Politicians aren't willing to do this; it is up to every individual in America to take a stand.

Supporters of the Jobs Party include;

Organizations / Blogs

Democrats.com - Bob Fertik
Center for Economic and Policy Research - Dean Baker
Democracy For America - Jim Dean
Down With Tyranny - Howie Klein
GRITtv - Laura Flanders
Progressive Democrats of America - Tim Carpenter
Progressive Kick
Radio Or Not - Nicole Sandler
War Is A Crime - David Swanson
Working Life - Jonathan Tasini
Young Progressives University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jason Tabrys had an article last week
Can Unions and the 99ers work together?

Read Jason’s Open Letter to USuncut here:

Tomorrow I will post an article with the latest Jobless Talk Rant entitled: GET OUT THERE!!! This fight in WI is far from over and is the golden opportunity for the 99er Nation to focus the light of public opinion upon us at long last. The time is NOW and we need to GET OUT THERE!

To view an excellent Slide Show of various marches from yesterday Feb. 26, 2011 - PLEASE click here.





San Diego

99ers in RI
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