According to Mark Gaurino of the Christian Science Monitor, a diuretic drug called Lasix is injected into horses just hours before the start of a race, and is used 95 percent of the time. That means it's a good chance Lasix is used before the Kentucky Derby 2011.
Gaurino writes that the drug... meant to mitigate a condition that causes a horse to bleed internally while under extreme physical pressure. But the drug also causes a horse to urinate profusely, lightening its weight by up to 27 pounds and making the animal more nimble in a race. Hence, critics say, Lasix is being used to enhance performance - and to get around rules against using performance - enhancing drugs.
He reports that the drug is banned "everywhere" except the United States and Canada. The lengthy post is worth a read, if you're not at a Kentucky Derby 2011 party or headed to one, that is.
For those of you headed to one, here's my pick, again. I'd play an exacta of Dialed-In, Archarcharch, and Comma To The Top. Here's my video explaining why:
Good luck! Oh, more at the Christian Science Monitor!