Osama & America’s Jobless: Both Dead in the Water

It may sound flip, but the truth may just be that Osama Bin Laden and America’s jobless are both as good as “Dead in the Water.” Or at perhaps Osama is better off, as his suffering has ended. Still if there is breath left in your body - there should be a fighting spirit left in your American soul. Question is: Will you use it?

Another important question is what good is spending trillions of dollars in pursuing the death of this one man for what boils down to nothing more than revenge? Isn’t America supposed to be a Christian nation? I read somewhere that “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord” (I believe it was in Romans 12:19 - King James Bible)

President Obama seemed so concerned with America’s reputation across the world when first elected and set out to change the global perception of our country. OK, so what is it saying to the World that America is heartlessly neglecting it’s poorest members of society in favor of enriching the already wealthy and ignoring the jobless in the USA but remains devoted to creating jobs in emerging markets overseas?

76 years ago [Friday], the WPA (Works Progress Administration) brought America into the modern age, employing millions to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads, and operated large arts, drama, media, and literacy projects. It fed children and redistributed food, clothing, and housing. It showed the world that America took care of Her own and set FDR apart as a truly loved “Leader” of our country and hero to the masses of hurting citizens, struggling to survive those difficult times.

Today there are 3 times as many unemployed Americans as there were in 1939 and our Government is doing NOTHING to change that looming disaster for all effected. Instead, they bail out Wall Street bankers, give unnecessary tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and subsidize huge corporations with untold billions - but cut what very little aid is available to help the hurting masses.

The Nick Anderson editorial cartoon (borrowed for this article) says it all! The unemployed masses have been intentionally allowed to wallow in poverty and forced into homelessness at an unacceptable rate. The American dream has been replaced by the unendurable nightmare of “survival desperation” for millions. Is this the America our service men and women are dying overseas to preserve? If so - that is truly pathetic!

I remind you that the Declaration of Independence is quite clear on the subject of human rights and what must be done when the government no longer is responsive to the universal principles laid out in this document.

........We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.........whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness......when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism (the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive way), it is their (the people’s) right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of..... - insert here: The American people - the unemployed - the impoverished - the outsourced - the elderly and the 99ers.

I repeat: “When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism (the exercise of absolute power in a cruel and oppressive way), it is their (the people’s) right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security”

So what exactly is America’s unemployed hurting masses waiting for? If you are waiting for things to improve on their own or for Washington to change their duplicitous, incompetent and greedy ways - prepare to die waiting.

Perhaps you are not yet hungry enough, angry enough or desperate enough to protest in large masses to ensure We The People are no longer pushed aside in favor of the lessor numbers of wealthy and big money corporate interests? If so then lucky you! Millions are NOT so lucky, however and I wonder what exactly is stopping them?

Weary from years of fruitless job search activities, trying to survive on nothing and every cry to Washington for help falling upon deaf ears, the millions of UI exhaustees must GET out there and DO something NOW if they hope to survive. You are not working after all - so make it your JOB (when not looking for that job which isn’t there anyway) to show Washington that you are mad as hell and do not intend to take it anymore!

There is NO EXCUSE for not joining in to demand your right to survive! If you stay home you are part of the problem. Google Protest Marches in your City/State for up to date info and GET OUT THERE!!!!

Have we not had enough of the rich "HAVES" taking every advantage that money can buy them at the expense of the American poor and middle class? What is it going to take to revolt?

99ers What have You Done Lately to HELP Yourselves? This is the question you must answer even before continuing to beg Congress and the Obama administration for additional aid. GET OUT THERE AND DEMAND JOBS NOW!

WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your Government has FAILED YOU BADLY! MAKE them HEAR YOU NOW!!!! You cannot rely upon anyone else to do this for you. YOU MUST FIGHT FOR your own SURVIVAL now or continue to suffer the "Congressionally imposed poverty" that is the 99er reality today.

Want a Job? Need UI Benefits? Then Make it Happen! HOW? 99ers can make Washington MOVE very quickly to create jobs and extend UI benefits if we just focus on the power we already have, but have yet to use effectively.

The unemployed - ESPECIALLY the UI exhaustees have been banished from the economy and the American dream. We have become relegated to the ranks of the invisible and forced to believe we must endure this abominable fate that has been forced upon us or beg for what little scraps of hope Washington tosses out to us then snaps back with unimaginable cruelty.

How is that working out for ya? Have you had enough? Then it is time we all become the exact opposite of invisible. We MUST become EXTREMELY VISIBLE and FAST. It is not very difficult to and it may require more courage than you have shown in a great while, but what have you got to lose? If you are like most of us - you already have nothing left - except your desire and instinct to survive.

What we need is an all out revolution of conscience by those in America who still have one - and that is NOT the talking heads in Washington, the greedy Wealth Barons or Captains of Industry who are stealing our lives out from under us. It is YOU who must make this happen. The sooner you take to the streets in mass (or even alone if you must), the sooner we will get what we need. STOP BEGGING and START DEMANDING Washington work for US and not every other country which can help the rich get richer by lucrative Defense Contracts, cheap labor and tax breaks to boot.

[Please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

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