Unemployment Slogans WANTED! “Tell It Like It Is”

Unemployment Slogans WANTED by U-Cubed in their latest ‘Tell It Like It Is’ campaign!

Got something to say about being jobless? How about our leaders’ apparent lack of interest in the plight of the jobless and creating JOBS now? Say it (in seven syllables or less).

“New unemployment numbers show our nation’s leaders still don’t get it,” said UCubed Executive Director Rick Sloan. “There are more than 28 million people without work. It is up to the jobless to tell it like it is.”

The grassroots organization for the unemployed and underemployed (U-Cubed) is designing a bumper sticker to remind folks that America needs JOBS Now. The website, via an ongoing Facebook ad campaign, is asking the jobless masses to help.

So unleash your creativity and submit your idea for a new UCubed bumper sticker in the comments section using this link. The winning slogan will be produced and distributed to all U-Cubed members for free.

Remember, your slogan has to fit on a bumper sticker. So, keep it short!

Show your support by clicking “Like” on UCubed’s page on Facebook!

UCubed is a community service project of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) designed to assist the millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans, and to provide them with a structure that allows them to take advantage of their growing numbers. For more information, visit Ur Union of Unemployed.

Paladinette has submitted several of my own and you can see those and all other submissions at this link.

[If you like what I write please donate so I can keep on fighting for the 99ers! Thank You!]

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